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Consumer Goods

Dependable movement and storage of consumer goods products

零售和消费品行业的供应链最为复杂. With such varied types of products going to a vast array of different stores, 每一件独特的商品都有自己的从制造到商店货架上销售的旅程. Consumer goods logistics is the name of this journey, and Murphy Logistics is a leader when it comes to fulfilling this successfully.

Container Shipping Cycle

Most consumer goods are manufactured overseas and shipped to the United States. 消费品的物流过程从制造开始,直到产品在当地零售商的货架上才结束. To begin, 为了最大限度地提高效率和空间,大型集装箱从上到下都是地板装载的. From there the goods are shipped overseas. When they hit the U.S. they are typically put on a train and sent to a distribution center. At the distribution center, they are unloaded, sorted, and put into storage. Distribution centers (DC) can be run by the retailer themselves, or as is more and more common, by a third party such as Murphy Logistics. 一旦进入数据中心,就可以通过多种不同的方式订购产品并将其发送到商店. Murphy is adept at handling all of these.

Custom Distribution

When a retailer needs a specific quantity of a product, 他们通常负担不起购买和储存超过这个数量的成本或麻烦. This is where custom distribution in retail logistics comes into play. In custom distribution, stores can order items to be shipped on a full pallet basis, 或者他们可以挑选一箱或将一箱拆分成更小的数量来满足他们目前的需求. Murphy has the ability to fulfill this need, whatever the order size. Murphy’s robust inventory management system allows us to store, track, and deliver products in any quantity needed. This complex consumer goods warehousing process takes space, equipment, and efficient systems to ensure consistency and reliability.

Inventory Management

而在10年前,商店拥有大量的后屋,库存过多的商品是很正常的, things have changed. Today, 许多零售商选择在店内保留少量商品,而在附近的配送中心保留大量商品. 这种做法使店主和经理能够灵活地利用更多的地板空间来做其他事情, such as item displays. 因为他们知道他们可以简单而快速地订购他们需要的东西,并根据需要从附近的配送中心运送这些物品, 他们能够在保持货架库存的同时更精简、更高效地运作.

墨菲的库存管理解决方案允许这一点,并已成为我们的dc建立地区的许多企业日常运营中值得信赖的一部分. 这方面的消费品物流允许越来越多的企业有信心控制他们的库存, without the overhead of extra storage space and employees.

Store Display Options

In the world of retail logistics, 在零售购物体验中,定制展示并填充吸引顾客的产品是一项专业服务. Murphy Logistics is well versed in this aspect of logistics, 与员工谁是训练有素,经验丰富的设置显示,以满足我们的客户的确切规格. For your retail logistics needs, 我们的能力包括将产品预加载到定制显示器中,以便为零售楼层做好准备, or we can ship products separately and load them on-site. Either way, 墨菲团队随时准备帮助您将消费品运送到赚钱的终点.

Direct to Consumer

消费品物流也意味着从全球最大的赌钱网直接运送到消费者家中. 墨菲可以为你挑选和包装你的消费品,并将它们送到最终目的地. 这包括单个单位的物品或多个物品,这些物品被取出并与其他物品一起重新包装到运输箱中, where they are then sent out via small-parcel delivery. Murphy’s team of experts handles this process with a vast array of technology, years of experience, and proven processes that ensure efficiency.

Consumer goods in a third-party warehouse

This concept can carry different meanings, but in general, 它涉及在第三方公司拥有的全球最大的赌钱网中存储和移动产品. For most retailers, which carry thousands of products, 有一个集中的位置为这方面的消费品物流是至关重要的,他们的成功. With so many products available to the average consumer these days, from clothing to toys or tools to small appliances, there is a need for organization and accuracy.

全球最大的赌钱网与零售商合作,根据需要存储和交付所有不同品牌和产品类型,这样他们就不必面对空货架和不满意的客户. Our retail logistics team oversees the products at a distribution center, and when called upon, pulls and delivers the desired inventory to the store in need. 这适用于在一个较大的地理区域内是否有一个单一的商店位置或多个地点. Murphy Logistics has a team of experienced, highly skilled warehouse employees ready to take care of your inventory needs.

Complete Consumer Goods Logistics Solutions

From receiving to storage and distribution, Murphy Logistics offers complete solutions for your retail logistics needs. 我们经验丰富的专业团队在全球最大的赌钱网有知识,以确保您的零售商店顺利和高效地运作. 与我们的团队讨论您的独特需求,并开始确保您的消费品物流未来的成功.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of warehousing solutions do you offer for consumer goods?

全球最大的赌钱网为消费品物流和仓储提供各种解决方案. We have climate-controlled facilities for temperature-sensitive items, custom storage solutions, order picking, and reliable inventory tracking. 我们更进一步,为易碎或精致的产品提供专门的货架和批量存储的能力.

Do you offer value-added services for consumer goods logistics?

全球最大的赌钱网以作为一个完整的仓储,物流和供应链提供商而自豪. In that spirit, we offer a variety of value-added services to simplify your supply chain, including just-in-time (JIT) inventory management, cross-docking for faster distribution, 以及定制的包装解决方案,确保您的产品安全到达目的地. 我们还可以通过提供套件、组装和小包裹包装来帮助您节省资金.


全球最大的赌钱网采用先进的全球最大的赌钱网管理系统(WMS),称为卡米洛特,确保拣选的准确性, packing, and shipping consumer goods orders. 这包括条形码扫描,允许实时库存跟踪,以减少错误,不断提高效率.

Can Murphy Logistics manage seasonal inventory fluctuations?

With our scalable consumer goods warehousing solutions, Murphy is able to adapt to seasonal needs and inventory changes. 我们的团队可以提供灵活的仓储空间和可靠的履行服务,可以根据市场需求和经济变化进行调整. Our contract warehousing solutions take things a step further, allowing for specialized services, including import/export, cross-docking, packing, inventory control, local and long-distance transportation, as well as consistent quality control.


二十多年来,全球最大的赌钱网一直将环境可持续性放在首位. 通过实施全面的环境管理系统,我们在物流园区进行了大量投资. Our sustainable logistics 加强资源管理、污染治理和节能减排.


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